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the left half showing a mother helping her daughter at a table, the second half showing a father and son reading together

Students with Special Needs

young boy reading braille

Your child might not have access to special education services while distance learning. You should consult with your child’s IEP team regarding continued access for those services. Here are some resources to help you navigate that process.

Resources for Families Raising Kids Who Learn and Think Differently
This is a collection of resources focused on empowering children and adults with learning differences or disabilities, strategies for learning at home, and ways to talk with children about coronavirus.

Autism and the Coronavirus: Resources for Families
Child Mind Institute
Many children with autism struggle with adjusting to new routines and structures. These resources help parents and other caregivers provide children with support.

IEP – Modifications/Accommodations
This resource provides an example of what IEP modifications/accommodations look like and where they are listed. They are meant to be used in collaboration with the classroom teacher.

Special Education Rights During COVID-19 Pandemic
Family Equality
This resource highlights the special education rights of children who are eligible for special education and related services.

School-based Occupational Therapy at Home
Neuropsychology & Education Services for Children and Adolescents
This resource provides suggestions from a Licensed Occupational Therapist of activities that can be done in the home to keep the development and learning going.

Coronavirus Social Narrative
The Autism Educator
A coronavirus social narrative that helps alleviate fears and anxiety many children may be experiencing at this time.

Audio Stories for Kids
Free audio books of children’s books.



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