7 Resources found

Does your CI Process center ideas and knowledge from the community, particularly from those most affected by the problem? This document assists practitioners in using MAEC’s CI4E Resource Hub and Guided Pathways, a unique learning tool where individuals and teams examine the role of equity in their continuous improvement practices.
Download: CI4E Guided Pathways
Every child deserves to feel safe, valued, respected, and empowered at school, regardless of their gender identity or sexual orientation. Creating inclusive school environments where all students feel welcome requires collaboration and action from school administrators, educators, and students. MAEC developed three guides for administrators, educators, and LGBTQIA+ students. This series identifies strategies, action items,… Read More »

Perhaps you’ve just been asked to direct an equity audit for your school, and your head is bursting with questions. What is an equity audit? How do you conduct one? What is the outcome? What resources are available? You’re nervous just thinking about the task. Even if you have already decided to engage in an… Read More »
Download: Equity-Audit-ConsiderationsFor #NationalLiteracyMonth, we’re highlighting some of our favorite books on educational equity. These books discuss race, religion, language, and poverty, as well as how to lead work and conversations around these topics. If you engage with students in any capacity (educator, family member, administrator, nonprofit leader), these resources are for you. Blankstein, A., Noguera, P.,… Read More »
Download: MAEC's Favorite Book ListThis #NationalLiteracyMonth, we’re highlighting some of our favorite articles on educational equity. These articles discuss race, religion, language, and poverty, as well as how to lead work and conversations around these topics. If you engage with students in any capacity (educator, family member, administrator, nonprofit leader), these resources are for you. Alrubail, R. (2016). Educational… Read More »
Download: MAEC's_Favorite Articles List
We all have a role to play in teaching children about race, racism, and social justice. We have compiled resources for educators and families to talk to children about race, on talking about current events and the murder of George Floyd, and suggestions of children’s books to help begin the conversation. We hope these… Read More »

This tool helps school leaders assess whether or not the school provides the processes and information which create a positive learning environment so students and staff can perform at their highest level. To download this, and the other Equity Audit tools, please go to MAEC’s Equity Audit page.
Download: Criteria for an Equitable School-2020-accessible