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MAEC Lends Equity Lens to Statewide ECE Plan

newspaper with title "Press Release" with a reading glasses and pen laying atop of the paper

MAEC (the “Mid-Atlantic Equity Consortium”) is pleased to announce the release of a new five-year strategic plan for the state of Maryland’s early childhood system entitled, Maryland Ready: A Path to School Readiness and Success. MAEC partnered with the Maryland State Department of Education, the Maryland Department of Health, and Department of Human Services to create this critical early childhood resource for the prenatal period through age eight.

The plan is designed to account for the geographic and demographic diversity throughout Maryland by providing a thorough and diverse delivery system of programs and services to support families with young children.  It aims to increase parental choice and family engagement and ensure successful transitions throughout the early years into the first years of schooling.

Maryland Ready articulates Maryland’s goals and system of programs to be used consistently throughout the State. The plan explains how to promote equity and implement evidence-based childcare practices. It also promotes the use of continuous improvement strategies within the programs and services themselves. Finally, the plan supports the expansion of and improved compensation for a highly qualified early childhood workforce.

The development of this five-year plan was a multi-phased process, which began with a thorough state-wide needs assessment, also led by MAEC. “After consulting a broad cross-section of ECE professionals, community members, and families across the state, we converted our findings into specific measurable goals and indicators. Our hope is for Maryland to support meaningful progress for children, families, and early childhood educators across the state,” commented Dr. Heather Tomlinson, Senior Specialist for Early Childhood and Family Engagement at MAEC and lead writer on the Maryland Ready strategic plan. “We were especially mindful to account for the needs of the most vulnerable children,” said Tomlinson.

MAEC was chosen to lead the development of Maryland Ready because of its expertise in promoting early childhood best practices; conducting, reviewing, and interpreting needs assessments; and promoting equitable systems in the care and education realms.

You can access the full plan and two summary documents using the following links:

Maryland Ready: A Path to School Readiness and SuccessFull Plan

Maryland Ready: A Path to School Readiness and SuccessExecutive Summary

Maryland Ready: A Path to School Readiness and Success: Plan Overview


If you have any questions or comments, or would like to partner with MAEC on similar work, please contact us at:

(BETHESDA, MD, December 22)

MAEC’s goal is to turn equity from a value into an integrated and sustainable practice. Through educator training and services, MAEC combats structural, cultural and operational policies and procedures that impede the success of racially, culturally, and linguistically diverse students in the United States.



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