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Why we do equity audits

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MAEC developed its first equity audit in 1992. Over the past thirty years, we have adapted and expanded it based on our experience working with schools and school districts. We believe it serves as a vital tool to ensure every student has the opportunity for educational and personal success.

Equity audits assess educational gaps and help to identify the social issues that create disparities among our students. The information gathered helps build consensus among families, communities, educators, and administrators. It enables us to work together to mitigate educational systems that negatively affect students, particularly those from historically marginalized populations. Equity audits help ensure that educational and community partners take action so students receive a fully inclusive and rewarding learning experience.

For a community to thrive, all members must be present and included in the conversation. Their experiences and knowledge must inform any action or implementation plan to create buy-in and accountability for outcomes. Equity audits enable us to check our biases, assumptions, and understanding of the educational landscape and make the best decisions to ensure educational equity for all our students.

To learn more about how and why to conduct an equity audit, check out An Equity Audit – Is it in your future? or download MAEC’s Equity Audit, which includes Criteria for an Equitable School, Criteria for an Equitable Classroom, and Teacher Behaviors that Encourage Student Persistence.

If you have any questions or concerns, reach out to us.

MAEC's blog is designed to engage hearts and minds of school and district leaders across the country to engage in issues that you have identified as being essential in education. Opinions do not necessarily reflect the views of the organization.

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