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Tery Medina

Terry Medina

Tery Medina


Tery is a freelance consultant and educator with 30+ years of experience. She holds an M.A.Ed. degree in Diagnostic Teaching with a minor in Bilingual Education, and an M.A.Ed. in Administration and Supervision with a minor in TESOL. Ms. Medina has a wide range of experience as a teacher (specifically with Learning Disabled, Gifted, Pre-K, Elementary and Adult ESOL students) and as an adjunct instructor (teaching ESL Methodology, Curriculum Development, Bilingualism, Cross-Cultural Issues, and English). She has delivered training and technical assistance to numerous State Departments of Education and other professional groups in the areas of Diversity and Cross-cultural Education. She is also the former Associate Director for the Southeastern Equity Center. Tery came to the U.S. as a Cuban refugee and devotes much of her professional life building bridges across cultural differences towards mutual respect and understanding.

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