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Saba Ahmed

Saba Ahmed

Seasoned leader in the field of ECE workforce development, passionate about empowering educators, children and families to realize their full potential for being social advocates. Saba’s pronouns are she/her/hers.

As Talent & Professional Development Manager, Saba currently operates the Professional Development Consortium for Wonders Learning. This training organization provides opportunities for Early Childhood Education trainers to collaborate around trends and issues in the field of ECE. Saba believes in educating, empowering, and equipping young children with strong social, emotional, and cognitive foundations as they begin their journey into the world.

Saba has worked in the field of early childhood education for 17 years, serving in every capacity from Afterschool Aide to Program Director. She has held positions with NAEYC and working in partnership with CAEP. Saba holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Elementary Education and Masters in Special Education with a primary focus on Emotional and Learning Disabilities.

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