Lynn M. Cromley
Director, Center for Schools and Communities
Lynn Cromley serves as the Director of the Center for Safe Schools, a statewide clearinghouse on school safety and youth violence prevention. The Pennsylvania Center for Safe Schools is recognized by the U.S. Department of Education as one of 17 state school safety centers in the nation. The Center provides professional development, technical assistance, grant administration, resources and dissemination of research and best practices to schools and other youth serving organizations to promote positive, safe learning environments for students and staff.
Ms. Cromley has over 30 years of policy and administrative experience in the field of education, with extensive experience in school safety and youth violence prevention, positive youth development, and family support and parental engagement.
Under Ms. Cromley’s direction, the Center has implemented large scale initiatives, established multiple statewide training networks and conducted evaluation and research in conjunction with university partners in an effort to improve the body of knowledge on effective policies and strategies.
Ms. Cromley has served as an expert presenter at state and national conferences and training events on a myriad of educational issues. She currently and previously has served as a member or chair of task force efforts and boards including, Pennsylvania Safe Schools Advisory Committee (Chair), PA Truancy Task Force, the Attorney General’s Task Force on School Violence, (Chair of subcommittee), Governor’s Partnership for Safe Children, and the PA Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, (subcommittee member).
Ms. Cromley, a life-long educator, received her Bachelor of Science Degree in Elementary Education with a concentration in Education of the Hearing Impaired from Bloomsburg University. She received her Master’s Degree in Education Administration from Temple University, Philadelphia, PA and is currently pursuing her Doctorate in Education Policy and Leadership, also at Temple University.