Jill Moss Greenberg
Former Executive Director, Maryland Women’s Heritage Center
Ms. Moss Greenberg has more than forty-five years of experience in the field of education including: Director of the National Association of Multicultural Education (NAME); Program Consultant for Homeless Children and Their Families in Baltimore County Public Schools; Multicultural Program Coordinator at the Mid- Atlantic Equity Center; and Vocational Equity Specialist at the Maryland State Department of Education. She has been a fierce advocate for women’s rights and history, leading to her induction into the Maryland’s State Women’s Hall of Fame. She has also received multiple awards including the Educators Award of National Association for Multicultural Education and Outstanding Business and Community Leadership Award. Ms. Greenberg holds an M.A. in Special Education from the University of Connecticut. She has also received multiple awards including the Educator’s Award of National Association for Multicultural Education and Outstanding Business and Community Leadership Award.