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Equitable Access: Case studies on reducing racial isolation through socioeconomic integration

Equitable Access: Case studies on reducing racial isolation through socioeconomic integration


In this guide you will find:

  • An overview of socioeconomic integration policies that address racial isolation
  • Examples from New York, North Carolina, Kentucky, and Texas
  • Detailed information on each socioeconomic integration plan and their results


About Equitable Access: Case studies on reducing racial isolation through socioeconomic integration:

  • While U.S. public education is experiencing an increase in student body size and diversity, there is also an increase in racial and socioeconomic isolation. Participation rates among White students are decreasing as rates among Latine and Asian American and Pacific Islander students increase, and Black student participation rates hold steady. Schools, districts, and communities must be prepared to address these two forms of segregation to ensure equity and success for all students.
  • Equitable Access: Case studies on reducing racial isolation through socioeconomic integration gives education leaders and teams examples of district-level socioeconomic integration efforts in New York, Kentucky, North Carolina, and Texas. These examples supplement MAEC’s Advancing Racial & Socioeconomic Diversity Playbook and present different approaches, considerations, plans, and results.

This publication was developed by the Center for Education Equity at MAEC through a partnership between MAEC and AIR. Writers and developers of the materials were:

  • Robyn Madison-Harris | Senior Technical Assistance Consultant
  • Vanessa Coleman |Director, Center for Education Research and Innovation, SRI International
  • Cora Goldston | Communications Specialist
  • Martha Ramirez | Administrative Assistant


More on socioeconomic integration from the Center for Education Equity at MAEC:

  • Advancing Racial and Socioeconomic Diversity Playbook: A Guide for Administrators
    This playbook provides a comprehensive integration planning guide with tools to build inclusive teams, analyze segregation in your district, and refine plans. The planning guide and worksheets offer teams opportunities to review racial and socioeconomic issues side-by-side and together.
  • Promoting School Equity: Lessons from the Socioeconomic Integration Community of Practice
    MAEC’s Center for Education Equity (CEE) convened a community of practice for school districts that wanted to pursue socioeconomic integration or improve their existing integration plans. Through the work of this CoP, CEE developed three goals for districts pursuing a socioeconomic integration plan to commit to.
  • Socioeconomic Integration and Student Achievement
    This webinar is intended for all educators who want to learn about transforming their schools into socially inclusive learning environments by embracing socioeconomic integration. Hear about schools and districts that have been successful, and learn about CEE’s vision to boost student achievement by applying an equity perspective to this process.

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