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Equitable Education for All: A Guide to Ensure Equity for Students Experiencing Homelessness
Cover image of publication. Teenage boy walking down empty street.

Create and refine inclusive district-level plans, and activities that promote supportive educational environments for students experiencing homelessness

With comprehensive and purposeful support plans schools and school districts can address the unique needs and challenges students experiencing homelessness face. Successful strategies must promote building capacity among staff and educators to identify students, have enrollment and information-sharing systems that can adjust to the circumstances surrounding homelessness, and advocate for shifting mindsets and culture of school communities towards awareness and inclusion.

This guide provides an implementation framework model for state coordinators and local liaisons to develop comprehensive plans that ensure inclusive and supportive educational environments for students experiencing homelessness. The framework outlines key practices, resources, and assessment tools among various areas of a school system, including access to services, policies and procedures, and school safety.


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