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Family Engagement Reframing Institutes

New research shows that many people believe that family engagement depends on how much the adults in a child’s life – especially parents and teachers – “care.” This leads to a common myth/misconception that lower-income families do not engage because they do not value education. Rooted in bias, these misunderstandings create big problems for advocates who are trying to gain support for well-structured family engagement programs and strategic policies that have the potential to advance equity in our education system, and ultimately close the achievement gap. What stands between current public thinking and widespread adoption of family and community engagement as a core educational strategy is better communication. Join us for this interactive training institute where you will learn new strategies to gain support for your family engagement programs and policies, and ultimately shift the conversation from family and community engagement being “nice to have” to being a “must have.”

Family Engagement Reframing Institute: Session #3

Date of the event: December 16, 2020

Guests: Marisa Gerstein Pineau, and Sherri Wilson

Description - In this webinar we discussed the recommendation of framing strategies and how to put them together. Through this interactive training institute viewers learned  new strategies to gain support for their family engagement programs and policies, and ultimately shift the conversation from family and community engagement being “nice to have” to being a “must have.”

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Family Engagement Reframing Institute: Session #2

Date of the event: December 09, 2020

Guests: Marisa Gerstein Pineau, and Sherri Wilson

Description - In this webinar we discussed the use of space launch to explain how engagement happens and the use of concrete examples and clear explanations to define equity. Through this interactive training institute viewers learned new strategies to gain support for their family engagement programs and policies, and ultimately shift the conversation from family and community […]

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Family Engagement Reframing Institute: Session #1

Date of the event: December 01, 2020

Guests: Karmen Rouland, Barb Scherr, Sherri Wilson, Shaun Adamec, and Marissa Gerstein Pineau

Description - In this webinar we discuss  the research that is relevant to family engagement. We also talk about the concept of framing, how it works and what to avoid when using it. Through this interactive training institute viewers will learn new strategies to gain support for their family engagement programs and policies, and ultimately shift the […]

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