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Youth Development


Achievement Linking Innovation, Vision, and Engagement  (ALIVE)

MAEC works with secondary schools to develop proposals for a 21st CCLC grants to fund out-of-school time programs. Our programs deliver academics, enrichment, STEM, mentoring, character education, arts, and family engagement to high-need students in a culturally responsive and supportive environment.

Community Resource Mapping

Since best solutions and ideas often arise within the communities in which our schools are located, our key stakeholders include: districts, schools, communities, and families. Together they are seeking to increase student achievement while building a cadre of future leaders.  Using a strengths-based approach for asset mapping, MAEC conducts community walks and community resource mapping to identify potential strategic partners for effective and efficient delivery of services. This process includes attention to alignment between district and school priorities so, together, partners can build the social and human capital that will help students and staff thrive.

Educational/Cultural Field Trips for Youth and Families

MAEC works with schools to develop educational/cultural field trips for youth and families that promote college and career readiness, STEM and civic responsibility. Past examples of previous trips include: visits to colleges/universities such as Bowie State University, Columbia University, Johns Hopkins University, Morgan State University; the Congressional Black Caucus,  the Apollo Theatre, the National College Fair and the Independence Seaport Museum of Philadelphia.

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