Amanda Schwartz
A practical guide prepared to support systemic change in Early Childhood programs. Amanda’s pronouns are she/her/hers.
Amanda works with educators and administrators to develop the best ways to support children and families through real-time learning, problem-solving and reflective supervision. As a consultant, former teacher, and parent of two children, she understands how important it is to have access to the latest and most innovative thinking about early care and education.
Since 1996, Amanda has served in various roles, including as teacher, technical assistance provider, writer, researcher, and evaluator. Her work settings have spanned early intervention and preschool special education, federal and regional technical assistance, child care, Head Start, and private preschool and early care programs. She has served as an Adjunct Professor and University Supervisor in the Early Childhood Special Education programs at George Washington University and currently works as an Instructor and Supervisor at the University of Maryland’s dual certification program for Early Childhood and Early Childhood Special Education. Amanda also serves in leadership positions within the Council of Exceptional Children and its Division of Early Childhood. She earned her Bachelor’s degree from Hamilton College, Master’s degree in Early Childhood Special Education from George Washington University, and Doctoral degree in Teaching and Learning from New York University.
Amanda stays focused on the lives of children and families through her community activities: she runs a girl scout troop, volunteers for PTA and school activities, and supports local activities for children.