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Staff Book Recommendations: Phoebe Schlanger

Phoebe Schlanger

November is National Literacy Month! To celebrate, we asked our staff to recommend their favorite equity books. Here’s what they said…

by Phoebe Schlanger
Finance Manager, MAEC

I want to start by saying I am not an educator. For my book recommendations, I’m going to borrow two books that my son had to read in school (and I also enjoyed). The first one is Persepolis. It’s a graphic novel about a young girl in Iran during the revolution. It is incredibly powerful, and it was made into a movie. The other book is Esperanza Rising, about a girl who is a Mexican immigrant. Both books gave my son and his classmates exposure to other experiences that they might not have otherwise considered. I think students of all ages benefit from reading books written from and about diverse perspectives.

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