MAEC’s Center for Education Equity developed this course on the preparation and recruitment of diverse teacher candidates and provided strategies on how SEAs, LEAs, schools, and institutions of higher education can leverage equitable partnerships to increase diversity.
By the end of this course, participants will be able to:
- Define the importance of a diverse teaching workforce.
- Review the research and data surrounding racial and ethnic disparities in the teaching workforce.
- Identify barriers to the recruitment of diverse teachers as it relates to school, district, and state-level policies.
- Identify strategies for the recruitment of diverse teachers as it relates to school, district, and state-level policies.
- Consider long-term goals as it relates to policies that will serve to diversify the teaching workforce.
- Identify barriers to the recruitment of diverse teachers as it relates to school, district, and state-level practices.
- Identify strategies for the recruitment of diverse teachers as it relates to school, district, and state-level practices.
- Consider long-term goals as it relates to practices that will serve to diversify the teaching workforce.
About this series:
This course was developed as part of a diversity pipeline training series, a joint project of the regional Equity Assistance Centers which are funded by the US Department of Education. This particular course was developed by staff members at MAEC. The four equity assistance centers each were responsible for building a course on different aspects of the teacher diversity pipeline.
Also in this series:
The History and the Importance of a Diverse Educator Workforce
Hiring a Culturally Responsive and Diverse Workforce
Link: https://greatlakesequity.org/sites/default/files/202215093102_online_course.pdf