Education in STEM can help students learn to think critically and design solutions for a complex world. In order to provide meaningful learning experiences and positive environments for diverse learners, MAEC supports effective instruction, assessment, and program development in STEM subjects. Our work is based on the principle that all students have the knowledge and perspectives which provide them with the skills to engage in the learning and practice of STEM.
Comprehensive Needs Assessment of STEM Instructional Programs
What impacts do science and math interventions have on classrooms, schools, and students? How should we best address the needs of diverse students? MAEC provides a wide variety of services to help institutions evaluate their efforts to improve math and science education. From individual student learning and engagement to statewide trends in achievement, we work with clients to identify goals, design assessments, collect and analyze data, measure outcomes, and create practical recommendations for new courses of action.
Strategic Planning and Program Design
MAEC assists schools, districts, and states in bringing key stakeholders together to identify needs, set priorities, and make realistic plans for STEM reform efforts. MAEC staff has expertise in STEM education research, organizational change, program management, and evaluation. MAEC's experienced development team often partners with districts and universities on new projects and proposals to secure STEM-education grants from NSF, the U.S. Department of Education, and other funding sources.
STEM for English Learners: Principles and Strategies
This workshop offers an opportunity for teachers to learn about best practices for instructing STEM to English Learners (ELs). STEM teachers have the responsibility of teaching all students to higher standards while helping ELs to master content and language. In this interactive workshop, participants will learn about basic, research-based principles for simultaneously supporting learning of science and math for ELs and building their English Language proficiency.
STEM Professional Learning for Teachers and Coaches
Equitable instructional and assessment approaches in STEM ensure that all students can meet the challenges of the Common Core State Standards and the Next Generation Science Standards. MAEC provides customized professional learning experiences in math and science to assist teachers to more effectively address the needs of culturally, linguistically, and racially diverse students. Teachers and coaches in our programs learn culturally responsive practices that identify student needs, use the resources and backgrounds of students and their families to better inform classroom instruction, root out stereotypes, create inclusive environments and curricula, and engage learners in scientific and mathematical practices that will serve them in their lives and future careers.
STEM Network Schools Project
In partnership with the West Virginia Department of Education and the Education Alliance, MAEC has initiated the STEM Network Schools Project. This initiative was created to support the development of strategic plans to build eight schools’ capacity for improving STEM instruction, especially for girls, and create a positive culture for STEM. The project will focus on the following key areas:
- Conducting an extensive needs assessment of current STEM programs and implementation;
- Providing professional learning opportunities for school based staff to improve instruction in STEM using culturally relevant pedagogy; and
- Developing an evaluation of the project’s impact and effectiveness in gaining access and increasing the quality of STEM instruction and programs.