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FREE Webinar! Using Data Inquiry to Advance Equity

Tree Webinar
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2:00 pm - 3:30 pm

Engaging in data inquiry through an equity lens can help us better understand problems of practice – and identify solutions – that make schools more equitable. This webinar will demonstrate the benefits of putting equity at the center of data use in schools and share the publication that the Center for Education Equity (CEE) created to support districts and schools to engage in data inquiry. Presenters will include members of a data inquiry team in Massachusetts who are using CEE’s Data Inquiry Guide for Exploring Equity Issues and Solutions in their school district.

Learning Outcome:

Participants will learn:

• Processes and tools to identify equity while generating effective solutions; and
• How to access and use CEE’s The Data Inquiry Guide for Exploring Equity Issues and Solutions.​​​​​​​


  • Susan Mundry
    Senior Program Director at WestEd; author of The Data Coach’s Guide to Improving Learning for All Students
  • Susan Villani 
    Senior Program Associate at WestEd; lead author of CEE’s Data Inquiry Guide for Exploring Equity Issues and Solutions;
  • Dawn Bentley
    Assistant Superintendent for Student Services, Acton-Boxborough Regional School District, MA; 
  • Dana Labb
    Principal of the Blanchard Memorial Elementary School, Acton-Boxborough Regional School District, MA; 
  • ​​​​​​​David Green 
    High School Social Studies Teacher,
     Acton-Boxborough Regional School District, MA; 
  • Heather Haines 
    ​​​​​​​K-6 Mathematics Curriculum Coordinator, Acton-Boxborough Regional School District, MA.

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