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MAEC celebrates Kellogg grant to MSDE

MSDE and MAEC Kellogg Group

Karina Cortes-Hudack (MSDE); Rossana Espinoza-Thorndahl (Latino Childcare Association of Maryland); Maria Torres (MSDE); Nora Morales (MAEC) and Rosalba Bonilla-Acosta (Centronia of Maryland) at the Maryland Early Childhood Family Engagement Kickoff Event on November 17, 2015.

November 17, 2015 – The kickoff celebrated the Maryland State Department of Education’s (MSDE) award of a W.F. Kellogg Foundation grant designed to increase the capacity of educators, child care providers, and families to increase school readiness in Maryland. One of the focuses of the new initiative will be to increase the enrollment of Latino children in licensed childcare, PreK, and Head Start programs so that they can enter kindergarten ready to learn.

According to a 2014-2015 Ready at Five Report, only 27% of Latino children and 20% of English Learners in Maryland demonstrate the foundational skills necessary for kindergarten. MAEC is partnering with MSDE’s Communication Office and Early Learning Branch, as well as with Latino leaders throughout Maryland, to increase awareness, cultural competency, and information about the importance of early childhood education in families throughout the state.

Pictured from left: Karina Cortes-Hudack (MSDE); Rossana Espinoza-Thorndahl (Latino Childcare Association of Maryland); Maria Torres (MSDE); Nora Morales (MAEC); and Rosalba Bonilla-Acosta (CentroNia of Maryland) at the Maryland Early Childhood Family Engagement Kickoff Event on November 17, 2015.


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