How families can confront COVID-19 related harassment in schools
In schools across the United States, AAPI students have reported bullying and harassment by classmates because of their race or national origin, including their ethnicity, ancestry, and language. The U.S. Department of Education recently published a guide on how families can confront COVID-19 related harassment in schools. This two-pager identifies how the federal government can protect students from discrimination and how families can report discrimination.
“Racism and xenophobia should have no place in America. Diversity is a great strength of our nation, and the Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights is committed to combating discrimination and working toward a more equitable future for our nation’s students.” – Suzanne B. Goldberg, Acting Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights, Department of Education.
This resource is also available in simplified Chinese, traditional Chinese, Korean, Tagalog, and Vietnamese.