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History in the making for Hillary and for all women and girls!

Elizabeth and Seth Shaffer

By Susan Shaffer
June 10, 2016

I have been working on gender equity issues for decades and the day that a woman became the presumptive nominee for president from a major party was monumental. This confirms that gender does not dictate potential, talent, or ability to serve in any capacity. As I watched Hillary Clinton’s speech with my adult daughter, I was remembering another day so many years ago. My daughter Elizabeth was 7 ½ at the time. The phone on the wall rang (remember those?) My doctor was calling to give me the results of my amniocentesis. He asked if I wanted to know the gender of my baby and I said of course. Elizabeth stood there with her arms on her hips waiting for the answer. I got off the phone and told her she was going to have a little brother. She thought for a moment and said, “Well, I am going to have to teach him about Title IX.”

Title IX helped shape the thinking of several generations. Women are no longer seen as only suitable for support roles. Women can be, and are, leaders. Here we are, my daughter and I, three decades later, finally watching a woman have the opportunity to become President of the United States. It has been a long time coming, but ever so sweet to be able to be a part of this historic moment.

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