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CEE Supports Falmouth Public Schools in Advancing Equity and Inclusion

In 2023, the Center for Education Equity (CEE) at MAEC, Region I Equity Assistance Center, collaborated with Falmouth Public Schools (FPS) to advance district-wide initiatives focused on diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging (DEIB). This partnership aimed to address systemic disparities and promote equitable educational environments.

CEE’s support included leading a comprehensive equity needs assessment, utilizing the MAEC Equity Audit Tool to examine key areas such as:

  • District policies and practices
  • School climate and community engagement
  • Curriculum development and disciplinary procedures

To ensure inclusivity, climate surveys were provided in multiple languages, allowing students, families, and staff to share their perspectives, particularly those from historically underrepresented groups.

As a result of the equity audit, FPS is now working closely with CEE to develop a district-wide Equity Action Plan, along with tailored school-level plans. CEE continues to provide coaching and technical assistance, helping FPS implement these strategies and build internal capacity for sustainable, equity-centered improvements throughout the district. Learn more here.

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