Getting Started with Restorative Practices: A Guide for Administrators and Teacher Leaders

In this guide you will find:
- An introduction to restorative practices.
- A framework to explore and promote restorative practices.
- Tips on managing the school-wide adoption of practices.
- Resources to assist with early implementation of restorative practices.
About the Restorative Practices Guide:
- Restorative practices is an approach that aims to build relationships within a community as well as prevent and respond to conflict and wrongdoing. A restorative practices approach is more than a collection of protocols and activities; it is a mindset and a belief in building and restoring community. As defined by the International Institute for Restorative Practices, “Restorative Practices is an emerging social science that studies how to strengthen relationships between individuals as well as social connections within communities.”
- This guide by the Center for Education Equity at MAEC is designed to help school leaders and educators use restorative approaches to build relationships and address conflict in their schools.
Download MAEC's Restorative Practices