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The COVID-19 pandemic has sparked a reckoning on how educators, schools, and districts should support AAPI students and communities. In response to an increase in hate crimes and heightened xenophobia against Asian American and Pacific Islanders (AAPI) during the pandemic, MAEC’s Collaborative Action for Family Engagement (CAFE) disseminated a survey titled: “Asian American Pacific-Islanders (AAPI) Family Survey: Reflections and Thoughts on School Reopening” (hereafter referred to as “AAPI Family Survey”). The survey sought to learn about AAPI families’ experiences during the pandemic, gain insight into their challenges and concerns as schools reopened, and identify ways that educators and schools could support families.
The survey collected nearly 500 responses to the overarching question, “What are some important topics to consider as schools open?” CAFE identified five key areas where educators can support Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) families and students. Each key area highlights family voices, action steps, and resources to support enacting the recommendations.
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