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CAFE, General Resources

Learning at Home Newsletter – July 2021

Summer brings new opportunities for students to learn and thrive. Whether they are attending camp, summer school, or going on vacation, MAEC’s Collaborative Action for Family Engagement (CAFE) newsletter is here with ideas and activities for all members of your family.

CAFE, General Resources

Learning at Home Newsletter – June 2021

Summer is on the horizon and for many, a break from school. MAEC’s Collaborative Action for Family Engagement (CAFE) is here with our monthly newsletter filled with family-oriented resources and events.

CAFE, General Resources

Learning at Home Newsletter – May 2021

Change is in the air for families across the United States. Vaccines are being administered and students are engaged in various types of hybrid schooling.

CAFE, General Resources

Learning At Home Newsletter – April 2021

From the pandemic to hybrid schooling, it has been a tough year for families. MAEC’s Collaborative Action for Family Engagement (CAFE) is back with a monthly newsletter filled with resources and events to help families adjust to the “new normal” of COVID-19 and beyond.  


Reframing Training Institute Webinar Series December 16th 2020

In this webinar we discussed the recommendation of framing strategies and how to put them together. Through this interactive training institute viewers learned  new strategies to gain support for their family engagement programs and policies, and ultimately shift the conversation from family and community engagement being “nice to have” to being a “must have.”


Reframing Training Institute Webinar Series December 9th 2020

In this webinar we discussed the use of space launch to explain how engagement happens and the use of concrete examples and clear explanations to define equity. Through this interactive training institute viewers learned new strategies to gain support for their family engagement programs and policies, and ultimately shift the conversation from family and community engagement being […]


Reframing Training Institute Webinar Series December 1st 2020

In this webinar we discuss  the research that is relevant to family engagement. We also talk about the concept of framing, how it works and what to avoid when using it. Through this interactive training institute viewers will learn new strategies to gain support for their family engagement programs and policies, and ultimately shift the […]

General Resources

A Guide to School for Families of English Learners – MSDE (English)

The Guide to School for Families of English Learners has been developed to help you understand the school system and offers suggestions for how to interact with school staff to support your child’s learning. This Guide provides information about Maryland public schools including how to enroll a child in school, schools by grade levels, early […]

General Resources

A Guide to School for Families of English Learners – MSDE (Español)

Se elaboró la Guía escolar para familias de estudiantes de inglés para ayudarlo a entender el sistema escolar, además de ofrecerle sugerencias sobre cómo interactuar con el personal de la escuela para apoyar el aprendizaje de su hijo. Esta guía brinda información sobre las escuelas públicas de Maryland, incluido cómo inscribir a un niño en […]

General Resources

Dual Capacity Building Framework – Karen Mapp

Dr. Karen Mapp describes and introduces the concept of Dual Capacity Building Framework. This Framework should be seen as a compass, laying out the goals and conditions necessary to chart a path toward effective family engagement efforts that are linked to student achievement and school improvement. Also included is a website for practitioners to learn […]

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