Primary Partners
The Maryland State Department of Education, under the leadership of the State Superintendent of Schools and guidance from the Maryland State Board of Education, develops and implements standards and policy for education programs from pre-kindergarten through high school.
NAFSCE is the first membership association focused solely on advancing family, school, and community engagement (FSCE). Our mission is advancing high-impact policies and practices for family, school, and community engagement to promote child development and improve student achievement.
The Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE) oversees 500 public school districts, more than 170 public charter schools, public cyber charter schools, Career and Technology Centers/Vocational Technical schools, public Intermediate Units, the education of youth in State Juvenile Correctional Institutions, Head Starts and publicly funded preschools, and community colleges.
Parents as Teachers builds strong communities, thriving families and children who are healthy, safe and ready to learn by matching parents and caregivers with trained professionals who make regular personal home visits during a child’s earliest years in life, from prenatal through kindergarten.
Parent Powered inspires and activates parents and caregivers with simple, accessible, strengths-based insights that they can integrate into everyday teachable moments.
The Parents’ Place of Maryland empowers families as advocates and partners in improving education and health outcomes for children with disabilities and special healthcare needs with a commitment to diversity and equity.
The National Network of Partnership Schools (NNPS) guides school and district leaders to improve their knowledge of school, family, and community partnerships, improve policies and plans for partnerships, and guide schools’ Action Teams for Partnerships in developing excellent programs of family and community involvement.
Statewide Family Engagement Centers
The Alaska Family Engagement Center (AFEC) aims to improve school-family partnerships across the state by working to develop training, resources, and activities for schools and families in thirteen districts that are built on the Stronger Together Framework and that promote family engagement.
The California Statewide Family Engagement Center (CA-SFEC), led by the Parent Institute for Quality Education (PIQE), is committed to equipping parents with the critical tools and knowledge necessary for guiding their children’s educational journeys.
The Connecticut Statewide Family Engagement Center, led by the Capitol Region Education Council, consists of three main components: 1) A comprehensive, responsive research-based system of direct service provision to families, including parent education programs; 2) a dual-capacity building infrastructure, designed to ensure that there will be a network of support for both families and professionals working in school settings to implement effective, evidence-based family engagement strategies; and 3) a virtual resource repository, including practice guides, training modules and other supports and services, which will be accessible to all stakeholders (families, educators, advocates, students, policy-makers and training and technical assistance providers) involved in family engagement work throughout the state of Connecticut.
The Hawai‘i SFEC believes that family engagement is an equity and learning strategy to support student academic success and school improvement. The Center’s mission is to implement high impact family engagement strategies, programming and policies that build powerful partnerships among family, school, and community, leading to enhanced child development and student achievement.
The Indiana EFECT (Engaging Families, Educators & Communities Together), led by the statewide parent training information center IN*SOURCE, aims to demonstrate improved educational outcomes by students in targeted, underserved communities through a systemic approach to family engagement.
The LA-SFEC is led by The Center for Literacy & Learning and will focus on the implementation and expansion of family engagement best practices in the K-12 education systems. The Center works in close partnership with the Louisiana Department of Education and Louisiana State University.
The Consortium for Engaging Families Across Maine (CEFAM) helps Maine students and families grow and thrive. As a Statewide Family Engagement Center, we work directly with communities at the ground-level and with the Maine Department of Education and key partner organizations to implement educational excellence, culturally-responsive family engagement, and equity.
The Nebraska SFEC, led by the National Center for Families Learning (NCFL), works to improve academic achievement for disadvantaged students; empower parents of disadvantaged students with information and tools to make good choices for their child’s education; and increase the capacity of SEA, LEAs, and community-based organizations to provide high-quality family literacy and family engagement services.
The mission of the New Hampshire Statewide Family Engagement Center (NH-SFEC) is to improve the educational outcomes of NH students and their families by connecting families, schools, and communities as partners in the academic success and social-emotional wellbeing of our children statewide.
The New Jersey Family Engagement Hub (NJFEH) provides direct services to New Jersey families, especially families with the greatest need – families of color, low-income families, families with limited English proficiency, families of children with disabilities and special healthcare needs, and families in struggling schools and districts – on how to effectively work with their children’s schools and teachers in order to improve their children’s academic outcomes and overall well-being.
The North Carolina SFEC is led by the National Center for Families Learning (NCFL) in partnership with the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction, Book Harvest, North Carolina Parents as Teachers, University of North Carolina Greensboro, and local education agencies. Together, they will work on family engagement strategies through cross-agency collaboration to enhance existing family engagement efforts.
The Ohio Statewide Family Engagement Center at The Ohio State University is a leader in the field of family, school, and community engagement. They are located at the Center on Education and Training for Employment within the College of Education and Human Ecology. Their goal is to bring research to action by providing schools and families with the tools they need to work together so all children have success in learning and life.
The Carolina Family Engagement Center pledge is to deliver high-quality parent education for family engagement by providing training and technical assistance in family engagement to districts and schools, and working with partners to develop the reach of family engagement services across South Carolina.
The South Dakota Statewide Family Engagement Center (SFEC) unites students, families, schools, and communities together by focusing on learner needs from “cradle to career.” SFEC strives to ensure that all learners—especially English Language Learners (ELL), economically disadvantaged learners and minority students—have the supports they need to achieve academic, career, and life goals. West River Foundation is the fiscal agent in partnership with Black Hills Special Services Cooperative (BHSSC), the SD Department of Education, and the SD Parent Connection.
The West Virginia Family Engagement Center (WVFEC) program is based on current, evidence-based practices that engage families, educators, and community members in the educational process to enhance student academic achievement. This initiative offers families a variety of opportunities to participate in their child’s learning both inside and outside of school.