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Virtual Workshops

CAFE utilizes webinars to convene local experts to discuss topics related to family engagement. Webinar topics range from talking to students about race, to engaging immigrant families, to using an equity lens to enact systemic change. Example: CAFE worked with Turning the Page to develop a series of newsletters and webinars targeting how families […] Read More

School Readiness & Academic Achievement

Family support is integral to student success, which is why CAFE invests in collaborating with communities to make sure their students are ready to start kindergarten and are on track for success. To achieve these goals, we focus on creating relationships between educators and families so they can understand student data and create goals […] Read More

Development of Literacy Skills

Supporting students means supporting their families as they navigate often complex and inequitable education systems. To support families, CAFE provides trainings to develop families’ understanding of education systems, enhance their experiences building relationships with school communities, and practice learning strategies to support their students’ academic learning. Example: In Queen Anne’s County, MD, CAFE partners […] Read More


Virtual Trainings

CAFE utilizes webinars to convene local experts to discuss topics related to family engagement. Webinar topics range from talking to students about race, to engaging immigrant families, to using an equity lens to enact systemic change. Example: CAFE partnered with the Maryland State Department of Education to transform a one-day Family Engagement Summit into […] Read More

Communities of Practice

CAFE believes in drawing on the expertise and experiences of families and educators to advise best family engagement practices for educators. Our Communities of Practice (CoP) are focus groups where families and educators discuss specific challenges and identify different approaches to addressing the challenge. Example: CAFE is leading a Family Leadership Academy CoP in […] Read More

Partnership Development

Family engagement work requires building authentic, two-way communication between educators, families, and communities. CAFE promotes an asset-based approach when addressing barriers for engagement. Through workshop series and trainings, we help educators think about forming teams to support student outcomes and how to best engage families, schools, and communities. Example: In Maryland Community Schools, CAFE […] Read More

State Education Agencies

Advisory Councils

CAFE knows the importance of incorporating family voices into all decision-making that involves students and schools. That’s why we establish Advisory Councils composed of students’ families, educators, and community-based organizations in Maryland and Pennsylvania, to advise the priorities of the SFEC grant and how the grant gets developed in each state. Advisory Councils meet […] Read More

Family Engagement Frameworks

The family engagement framework serves as a guide on how to create better partnerships between educators and families to further student well-being. CAFE partners with Maryland and Pennsylvania to develop these frameworks and build the capacity of their employees to implement it. Examples: In Pennsylvania, CAFE developed an introductory webinar to the framework, a […] Read More

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