The Center for Early Childhood takes a collaborative, equity-centered, and capacity building approach so that ALL children make equitable achievement on assessments regardless of race, ethnicity, gender, identified special needs, socioeconomic status, or other marginalized group classification.
The Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Training and Technical Assistance Year Two (DEITA II) project’s goal is to deepen the impact and build the capacity of the Maryland State Department of Education’s (MSDE) Division of Early Childhood diversity, equity, and inclusion work over a period of one year by designing and providing system training and technical assistance (TA). As the designated TA specialist, MAEC coordinates, implements, and manages the delivery of the TA content and accompanying support services to the MSDE Division of Early Childhood branches, including leadership and staff. MAEC leverages process evaluation methods (e.g., document review; stakeholder survey; focus groups; interviews) to establish baseline data and inform TA decision-making to ensure that all TA, including training, and coaching, address the Division on Early Childhood’s specific identified needs.
In 2021 MAEC and MSDE partnered to launch the TOTE initiative to provide wide-scale early childhood equity training throughout Maryland. TOTE consists of 13 individuals that underwent an extensive vetting and rigorous training process to become state certified early childhood equity trainers. Each is highly educated, experienced, and committed to social justice. Certified trainers can support organizations’ leadership teams, administrators, and practitioners to reflect and develop a plan for action.